+38 (044) 273-20-87


+38 (044) 599-60-71



  • Biocontact


  • rooms
  • transport and feed trucks (external, internal disinfection)
  • refueling of special barriers and rugs for disinfection
  • equipment
  • containers
  • pipelines
  • hatchling eggs


  • wet (moisture)
  • aerosol
  • foam


  • planned
  • forced


  • anti-microbial: gram-negative and gram-positive microflora (including spore forms);
  • anti-viral: DNA- and RNA-containing viruses;
  • anti-protozoal: acts against coccidia;
  • fungicidal:  Aspergillus fumigatus, molds etc.;
  • acts against yeast.


Type / object Working solution
(preventive / forced)
Consumption of working solution Exposure
Wet disinfection
Prevention of bacterial.: 0.1-0.25 %
virus: 0.3-0.5 %
fungus: 1 %
0.1-0.3 L /m2 30 min
Forced 0.5 0.25-0.4 L /m2 60 min
Hatchling eggs 0.1 1-2 ml / egg 2 min
Transport, feed trucks 0.1-0.5 0.2-0.5 L /m2 10-15 min
Containers 0.2-0.5 0.2-0.5 L /m2 10-15 min
Foam disinfection *
Rooms 0.1-0.3 0.2 L /m2 don’t wash out
Transport, feed trucks 0.1-0.5 0.2 L /m2 don’t wash out
Containers 0.2-0.5 0.2 L /m2 don’t wash out
Aerosol disinfection **
Transport, feed trucks 10 5 ml / m3 over 15 min
Rooms 10 2 ml / m3 60-120 min
Hatchling eggs 5 5 ml / m3 30 min
Refueling of special barriers and rugs for disinfection: 0,3-0,5 % working solution.

* Doesn’t need to be washed out, creates protective film at the surface
** Disinfection with hot mist aerosol generators

For preventive disinfection by wiping, irrigation when having bacterial infections:
For flat(smooth) surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0,1% aqueous solution at a rate 100-150 ml/m2. Exposure: 30 minutes.
For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0,1 – 0,25% aqueous solution at a rate 200-300 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For processing of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0,1 – 0,25% aqueous solution at a rate  200-300 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively. 
For refueling special barriers and rugs for disinfection: over 0,3 % aqueous solution as needed. Exposure: to fill up as it dries. In cold season to prevent freezing add to working solution antifreeze agent or salt.

Preventive disinfection by wiping, irrigation when having viral infections:
To use 0,3 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate 200 – 400 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.

Preventive disinfection by irrigation when having fungal infections:
To use 1% aqueous solution at a rate 250-300 ml/m2. Exposure:
60 minutes.

Preventive disinfection by foaming when having bacterial infections:
after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surface and equipment please use: 
For flat (smooth) surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0,1% aqueous solution at a rate of 100 – 150 ml/m2. Exposure: 30 minutes. 
For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0,1 – 0,25% aqueous solution at a rate of 100 – 150 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For processing of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0,1 – 0,25% aqueous solution at a rate of 100 – 150 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.

Preventive disinfection by foaming when having viral infections:
To use 0,3% aqueous solution at a rate of 200 – 400 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 minutes.

Preventive disinfection by foaming when having viral infections:
To use 1% aqueous solution at a rate of 150-200 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 minutes.

Force disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation when having bacterial infections:
after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surface and equipment please use:
For flat (smooth) surfaces(tile, plastic, metal): 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 150 – 200 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 200 – 450 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For processing of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 200 – 400 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For refueling special barriers and rugs for disinfection: over 0,5 % aqueous solution as needed. Exposure: to fill up as it dries. In cold season to prevent freezing add to working solution antifreeze agent or salt.

Force disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation when having viral infections:
To use 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 200 – 400 ml/m2. Exposure: 30 minutes.

Force disinfection (current and final) by wiping, irrigation when having fungal infections:
To use 1% aqueous solution at a rate of 200 – 400 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 minutes.

Force disinfection (current and final) by foaming when having bacterial infections:
after preliminary mechanical cleaning and washing of surface and equipment please use:
For flat (smooth) surfaces (tile, plastic, metal): 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate 100 – 200 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively. 
For porous surfaces (concrete, brick, wood): 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 150 – 300 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.
For processing of vehicles, feed trucks, containers: 0,2 – 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 150 – 300 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 – 30 minutes respectively.

Force disinfection (current and final) by foaming when having viral infections:
To use 0,5% aqueous solution at a rate of 150 – 300 ml/m2. Exposure: 30 minutes.

Force disinfection (current and final) by foaming when having fungal infections:
To use 1% aqueous solution at a rate 150 – 300 ml/m2. Exposure: 60 minutes.

Disinfection of poultry and animal farms when having spore forms of bacteria Bacillus spp. by wiping, irrigation or foaming:
To use 2-3% aqueous solution at a rate of 0,5 – 1,0 L per 1 m2. Exposure: 120 minutes.

Disinfection of poultry and animal farms when having tuberculosis by wiping, irrigation or foaming:
To use 2% aqueous solution at a rate of 0,5 – 1,0 L per 1 m2. Exposure: 24 hours.


aqueous solutions of product:

  • can be used during 7-10 days;
  • are stable to direct sunlight;
  • keep their action in hard water; 
  • keep their action in presence of organic contamination (feed residues, manure etc.);
  • can be used in wide temperature range from +4°C to +60°C (and withstand short-time temperature increasing to +80°C when used by aerosol method using ‘warm’ fog generators);
  • have washing properties;
  • are environmentally friendly and after usage are gradually destroyed by nature environmental factors.

Increasing of working solutions temperature enhances their anti-microbial and washing properties. After ending disinfection procedure be sure to ventilate room. 

Aqueous solutions are used for disinfection. Before disinfection is highly recommended to make thorough mechanical and sanitary cleaning of surfaces or objects.


Product and its solutions are incompatible with strong oxidizers, anionic surfactants and soaps.

Can be used with caustic or calcified calx. 


  • Glutaric aldehyde
  • Glyoxal aldehyde
  • Quarter ammonium compounds
  • PHMG
  • Coloring
  • Water

Total amount of active substances: not less than 41%


Transparent red-brown color liquid with slight specific odor. 


When working with the product and its solutions it is necessary to use personal protective equipment (goggles, universal respirator brand RU-60, RPG-67 with a cartridge brand B, PVC gloves). Preparing of working solutions should be carried out in a ventilated room with plenty of water.

In case of contact with the eyes, they are washed with plenty of water and instilled with 33% solution of sodium sulfacil, in case of pain – 1-2% solution of novocaine. In case of accidental contact with the skin, rinse the affected area thoroughly with running water, then lubricate the skin with emollient cream.

In case of accidental ingestion, the victim should be given a few glasses of water with 10-20 crushed tablets of activated charcoal and consult a doctor. It is forbidden to smoke, drink, eat during disinfection work. After work, face and hands should be washed with soap and water.

To keep in dry dark well-ventilated room with temperature in range of 0 – +30°C.  To avoid straight sunlight.
Working solutions don’t lose their activity for 7-10 days in case they’re kept in tightly closed containers. 

36 months from manufacture date. 

